Sustainable Water Sports Coalition 

Promoting Recreational  Active Water Sports in Wisconsin with a focus on  Sustainably Safe Activities 

Who We Are

Our team includes independent scientists, engineers, legal experts, and seasoned business professionals with no association to any industry group.  We specialize in fluid mechanics, testing, statistical analysis, accessibility law, and more. Together, we are committed to educating lawmakers and decision-makers to ensure that any regulation passed is grounded in solid evidence, not perception.

We are not affiliated with any boating manufacturers or representative organizations. We welcome all information related to wake surfing studies in our pursuit of accurate and factual scientific data. 

After a thorough review of the current research, we have found that establishing a 200' setback from shore provides the necessary control to protect Wisconsin lakes       Creating a wake surfing law   Analysis of Studies 


This website was created because of the widespread inaccuracy of claims made by those opposed to Wake Surfing. 

Unfortunately, some individuals have relied on anecdotal exaggerations, selective studies, and dramatic but unscientific videos to present speculative and unverified scenarios. These claims, often lacking scientific support, have fueled a campaign aimed at discrediting and even banning this popular water sport.

We are concerned that allowing these misconceptions to shape policy could lead to misguided regulations that infringe on personal rights, divide communities, and unnecessarily restrict recreational activities. It’s essential that policy decisions are based on comprehensive, objective data rather than fear-driven speculation or “anecdotal” arguments.

In response, we created, a platform committed to offering accurate, science-based information to clarify the facts about Wake Surfing. Through this site, we aim to share scientific insights on Wake Surfing, tackle concerns related to aquatic invasive species (AIS), safety, and local governance, and uphold the Constitutional rights of Wisconsin's people to access and enjoy its waters. 

Understanding the facts and data allows us to distinguish between what is real and what is merely perceived. We take a "complete" look at many of the studies involved and combine them to better understand how these studies, watercraft, and activities relate to each other on the water. Any introduced regulations should be grounded in verifiable evidence, not influenced by speculation or public perception.


The Sustainable Water Sports Coalition (SWSC) advocates for recreational water sports in Wisconsin, championing the state's Trust Doctrine that safeguards the public's right to enjoy boating, fishing, hunting, swimming, and other outdoor activities. We are committed to promoting science-driven policies and opposing unnecessary regulations that do not effectively protect natural resources or benefit the public.